When the weather permits at Groodbud & Groodbud, we'll often eat our munches outside. Today, it was 80 degrees and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. As we sat eating, I noticed the sun had caused the Catman's usual alabaster skin to take on a pinkish hue. Using a napkin, I dabbed a bead of sweat from my head and tried to think of how to help - when it hit me.
I unfolded the paper napkin and placed it lightly on his head as a kind of makeshift sun bonnet. For a moment, it appeared to work. The napkin absorbed the harmful UV rays and shaded his brow. Hoping he'd be happy with my invention, I smiled at him. This was when I noticed he didn't share my, or my fellow co-workers', enthusiasm. He then told me he'd give me something to smile about and, surprisingly, when I asked if it was a funny joke or a nice picture of his family, he only became more enraged.
Confused by the whole ordeal, I asked him point-blank:
J: you didn't like your little sun bonnet?
Catman: nah
J: I was worried you would get burnt
Catman: about to get a paw to the peep
Then things took a turn for the nonsensical:
Catman: the wrath of the paw
J: Is that the name of your new screenplay?
Catman: yea
J: what's the premise?
The catman battling the sun?
Catman: yea and everyone else. Catman wins.
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