J, if you think you're pretty clever with that last bit, you can think again, ok pal? Some of us have work to do. We're not all just trolling around the halls trying to get pieces of people's sandwiches. "Oh oh, excuse me, can I try a piece of that because I'm too stingy to buy my own?" Well here's a flash for you, my man: you're bullshit. If I see you around here I'm going to wallop your weaselly little face into another dimension, such that your head and body stay here but where your face used to be is now just smooth. Your body's going to be freaking trying to figure out what just happened, and your face is going to be floating around in another dimension somewhere just freaking. Ok pal?
you guys should stop bickering and go back to being happy pals like you were when you made this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfxY59V6bgU