Friday, April 30, 2010
Catpeople-Clownpeople Summit A Success

J On Location: New Orleans

From: J [Apr 30, 4:47am]
As J's fragile constitution and weak body prohibit him from staying out past 10:30pm, we can only deduce one possible scenario: J got up at 4:00am and headed down to the New Orleans public library to work on his screenplay (most likely, to stick it to his friend Catman). Many suspect this "screenplay" does not actually exist and speculate that J gets into the office at 5am and sits quietly, waiting until Catman arrives so that he may trample him as he sits atop his high horse.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
CATMAN 20/20: Catman "Out There" While Remaining Inside

J: catbud?
Catman: Professor Groodpeep
J: what you get up to last night
Catman: got my profile up... i'm out there jerry
J: catman... on the prowl reeeeaaarrr
Catman:pretty nervous, though
not sure what is going to happen here
J: pretty swervous
... and so on. Though we can only speculate as to the content of the next few thousand box-chats, they most likely would have consisted of various arrangements of the words "peep," "bud," and "cat." After interviewing several of Catman's co-workers and friends, it has been confirmed that he is, in fact, "quite nervous," and is not yet sure if he likes "this sort of thing."
The Scratching Post: The Missing J

Let's see how the morning without J is going so far:
JJVH: corncob?
JJVH: I dont know who todd is
Dave, you do know that I'm not J right?
JJVH: You have to give more context
JJVH: Context?
JJVH: You have a comedic style?
JJVH: I don't know how to respond
And from LL:
LL: d
(I'm still waiting for LL to respond to the other 26 gchats I've sent her.)
J, I miss you. Come back home.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A Call to Catman Nation

As many of the loyal readers of YDG.blogspot.com are aware, I, J. Groodbud, am departing for New Orleans tomorrow with a gang of stray cats. Aside from having to come up with a plan to assuage the Catman's impending separation anxiety, there are a variety of practical issues that need to be dealt with, from figuring out his meals, to scheduling drop-offs between his "watchers." Most readers aren't aware that the Catman is under 24-hour surveillance because, left to his own devices, he would wander onto the freeway. What concerns me most are the hours between 6 PM on Friday Night and 2 AM on Saturday morning. As of now, I haven't been able to line-up a watcher so I call on you, Catman Nation, to step up. If I don't hear back, I might be forced to tether him to the radiator in his room for the weekend, and nobody wants to deal with that mess on Monday morning.
BREAKING NEWS: YDG To Launch Sock Monkey Store, Summer 2014

Though cat-manufacturing was banned in the United States in 1992, many companies have found ways to continue this practice off-shore. "Our strategic plan involves sending a boat-full of cats into international waters, filling the boat with sock material and buttons, and letting nature take its course."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
YDG Takes Home TopCat Award
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Scratching Post: Catman Has Nothing To Say

No. For a Catman, it's hard work. This morning, as I sat and listened to LL tell me about how I am lame now (see: Catman Poll), I pondered over the following question: you always hear about "impair" and "impeach," but why the hell don't you ever hear about "imapple" or "imbanana?" I thought this would make for a great scratching post, but J didn't hesitate to knock that dream out of the dreamtree. Well, I put it up anyway, J. How you like me now?
Please take a second and fill out the poll. Thanks!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Your Daily Groodbud Earnings Report

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
J.: Catbud?
Sometime around 9:00, the Catmobile came screaming into the parking lot. A little after that, he was online. By 9:20, our conversation consisted of only two lines:
Catman: already riding me
J.: ?
And then this, from our foreign correspondent:
JJVH: J says you had a hard time waking up this morning?
Catman: i was up until 230 - and if he says that again i'm going to punch a hole through him.
Catman: i was up until 230 - and if he says that again i'm going to punch a hole through him.
It looks like its going to be a long day in Catland.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Scratching Post: J Gets on Catman's Nerves
At roughly 11:00am this morning, J got on the Catman's nerves by asking him stupid questions to which he already knew the answer.
Catman: 8 8 i forget what 8 is for
J: hahaha
J: pretty grood, right?
J: you know that song?
Catman: what song
J: haha
Catman: ?
J: what you mean?
Catman: what do you mean
Catman: man
J: d
J: what are you talking about/
Catman: what are you talking about, man
J: did you listen to that song?
Catman: why did you ask "do you know that song?"
Catman: after you sent it to me
Catman: and i quoted from it
J: had you heard it before
J: I meant
Catman: you twerp
7 minutes later, it was confirmed that J is a twerp.
Catman: 8 8 i forget what 8 is for
J: hahaha
J: pretty grood, right?
J: you know that song?
Catman: what song
J: haha
Catman: ?
J: what you mean?
Catman: what do you mean
Catman: man
J: d
J: what are you talking about/
Catman: what are you talking about, man
J: did you listen to that song?
Catman: why did you ask "do you know that song?"
Catman: after you sent it to me
Catman: and i quoted from it
J: had you heard it before
J: I meant
Catman: you twerp
7 minutes later, it was confirmed that J is a twerp.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Looking at this picture got me thinking of a conversation I had with the Catman's Sister not too long after YDG.blogspot.com first rolled out.
Catman's Sister: I wanted to tell you have an amazing talent for making fun of my brother.
J: Fun with your brother.
Catman's Sister: And it's well written too.
J: Yeah -- I want to explore the bond that J and the Catman share. Hopefully its something that a lot of people can connect with.
Catman's Sister: it's given me a whole new perspective into the life of mr. schnookums.
J: is that your name for him?
Catman's sister: Yeah when I was little I wanted a dog but my parents said we got you a little brother instead, so I gave him a dog name.
I know it's not a good thing to run through alternate scenarios, to wonder "what if?" You've only got one life and you shouldn't spend it full of regret. Regardless, I can't help but wonder what if the Catman had been replaced with a dog named Mr. Schnookums? What could we say about a world where that was the case? Would it be a better place? Yeah, probably.
The Scratching Post
Catman says: I'll tell you what I don't like. Non-human primates. They are bullshit. They can't be trusted. For years I've been convinced that they have been running internet pyramid schemes, probably out of Russia. And don't lend them money. You won't be getting that back. They are notoriously bad at paying back money.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Catman: the cat is in the hen house
J: what does that mean?
From his account, it was successful - or so he thinks. Unfortunately, there was no unbiased third-party evaluation.
J: How was your date?
Catman: pretty good i think.
J: Did you like her?
Catman: i guess so. i don't know, who's to say really?
J: Did you like her?
Catman: i guess so. i don't know, who's to say really?
J: i don't know what that means.
Catman: how am i supposed to know? She has a favorite nebula.
Catman: how am i supposed to know? She has a favorite nebula.
At it's very essence, the Catman's life is defined by paradox. By blood he is cat, in form he is man. While it is clear that the he likes her, he cannot see into the future to guarantee a life of happiness with her, and so a doubt, however small, remains. Because additional dates will only further muddy the matter and increase the hurt feelings if he's chosen incorrectly, the Cat Clock has officially begun it's countdown. For those who don't know, the Cat Clock is an internal timer, calibrated with an atomic clock, and set to exactly two weeks. That is to say, the Catman has two weeks - no more, no less - to make his decision about whether or not this girl is the "one."
The Cat Clock has never reached zero, and it is hypothesized by fellow members of the cat community that Armageddon would ensue.
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Given the most recent post on YDG.blogspot.com, you might think that the Catman would slow down his dangerous eating habits. However, he had two relatively indecipherable conversations at essentially the same time (one with J. and one with Foreign Correspondent, JJVH) that suggest otherwise.
Catman: porked out now
JJVH: Does that mean you were working?
Catman: ate a lot of food at lunch, chocolate cake
not going to be able to fit into my new pants
Catman: porked out today
J: what you mean?
Catman: porked out now
J: porked out?
J: tired?
Catman: ate all that food at lunch, that cake
J:chubby boy
Catman: yea
Catman: maybe best if i don't eat dinner
CATMAN 20/20: Catman's Ass Looks Fly

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Mystery Bird Found in Courtyard Identified
CATMAN 20/20 FLASH: Caution - Wet Floors
The Catman hurt his back over the weekend.
Catman: back hurts
J: What'd you do to it?
Catman: mopping
J: What'd you do to it?
Catman: mopping
J: I think it's spelled "moping" - and I'm not sure how you could hurt yourself doing it.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Catman 20/20: The Catman Makes No Plans

Weekends are generally pretty tough for the Catman. What for most is a chance to hang out and relax is a reminder to the Catman that he should be hanging out and relaxing. And as he sits and contemplates this, he fails to hang out and relax, and so disappoints himself even more.
This weekend is expected to be particularly tough for the Catman, because his friend J. will be away, at a birthday party on Friday and in Rhode Island (what the Catman refers to as Spider Alley) on Saturday. The Catman did not take this news particularly well.
Catman: i'll just curl up and wait for the weekend to be over
The irony of the Catman, however, is that despite his relatively saturnine demeanor, there is a little flame of optimism in him that will never be quenched.
Catman: if there are any girls at the party, you will tell them about me right?
J: Of course, tiny bud. I will tell them that you were a grood bud to me for a long time, but became very sick and passed away.
J: I will say to them, "you would have loved the catman, he had the kindest smile."
Catman: nah
Catman: don't say that
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Two hornets flew into the Catman's office this morning:
Catman: hornet is freaking me out
Catman: he could just fly out
Catman: i think the other one has learned helplessness
J: hahah
J: he learn it from you?
They eventually flew away, but it had some unintended consequences:
Catman: the first hornet left
Catman: and then the second one that wasn't doing anything got up and left
Catman: what do you think that was about
Catman: i mean i know i wanted them to leave
Catman: but now that they are gone
Catman: i am feeling sort of lonely
All in all, the Catman learned a valuable lesson about friendship and not taking things for granted; it also reaffirmed the distinct possibility that he might remain alone forever.
The Scratching Post
Catman says: It would be great if I had nuclear arms. I could go around touching people and giving them radiation poisoning.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
At 3:21 P.M. EST, the Catman indicated that he was "thinking [he] might go to the gym tonight." More news to follow as it develops. It is unclear what he is planning for din, but presumed to be chicken.
Monday, April 5, 2010
As of 10:30 a.m. EST, the Catman was "determined to get it back." "It" is still undefined, but presumed not to be harmful.
A groodbud always uses a nearby trash receptacle to dispose of his leftover food
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