A few months ago, the Foreign Correspondent told the Catman that he'd eaten a candy bar that day. Although it was only bite-size and didn't seem like much of an admission, it was a mistake. Since then the Catman has become enthralled with the idea that the Foreign Correspondent has already gained a lot of weight or is currently in the process of gaining weight:
Catman: it would be funny if he started getting pretty pudgy
This idea was on the Catman's feeble mind again today, and after lunch he told me that:
Catman: i'd like to get a look at his pork report
i have a feeling he's been a naughty bear
For those of you wondering what a "pork report" is, it's a list of all the things someone has eaten in some period of time. The term pork presumably stems from the Catman's 2010 motto/new years resolution "work out not pork out." His other goal was "smooth butter and smooth shirts" because he'd received two presents for Christmas that year: a butter bell and a steamer to iron his clothes. In any case, the Catman went straight to the Foreign Correspondent for answers:
Catman: i'm just saying
if you've got nothing to hide, let's get a look at the report
10:12am Snickers Bar
10:27am Milky Way Bar
11:03am Butterfinger Bar
looks like these were all king size too
The Foreign Correspondent was not a fan of this line of questioning and so did not answer. This didn't stop the Catman from continuing to talk about it though.
Catman: we should run a few muffintop tests on him
J: hahahaha
what does that mean?
Catman: get him in some tight fitting jeans, see how much he is muffin topping them
loving this
On a side note, this is YDG's 100th post. Although sometimes it is rewarding, most of the time it's been a pain in the peep. In any case, the Catman and I will be at the pet supply store today between 5 and 7 tripping off some catnip. Feel free to swing by for a sniff.